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Meet the Pflugerville Piranhas

The Pflugerville Piranhas is a competitive summer league swim team for kids 5-17 years old. We swim a 10-week season beginning the end of April/beginning of May and finishing up mid-July. New swimmers must be able to swim the length of the pool (25 meters) using any stroke. Practices are in the afternoons until the end of the school year when we switch to morning practices for the remainder of the season.

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Important Dates

2025 Piranhas Season is April 28 - June 29

πŸ‘‰ 3/22 - Swimsuit Try-ons from 10am-12pm at Pflugerville Recreation Center

πŸ‘‰ 4/1 - Piranha Pals Sign Up Deadline

πŸ‘‰ 4/26 - Merch Grab & Go + Board & Coaches available for New Parent Questions between 2-4pm at Scott Mentzer

πŸ‘‰ 4/28 - Season Starts! Afternoon practice begins

πŸ‘‰ 5/10 - Kick Off Event + Practice Meet at 9am at Gilleland Creek Pool *Team Picture this day too*

πŸ‘‰ 5/27 - Morning practice begins

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Swim Suit Try On Date - March 22nd!

πŸ“… March 22nd from 10am-noon at the Pflugerville Recreation Center

We encourage new families and anyone who’s unsure about sizing to come try on suits and find the best fit! Families who attend these try-ons will be able to leave with their purchased suits. πŸ™Œ If you’re a returning family and want to use the same suit as last year, no need to attend the try-ons!

Already know your size? You can order online with our team pricing right here: Swim Freak Team Store

Reminder: The deadline for online orders to be available for pick-up at the merch event is April 14th. ⏰

Questions? Contact Olivia@[email protected]

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2025 Season Kick off Event

Join us at Gilleland Creek Pool on May 10th from 9:00am to noon for our 2025 season kick off event. πŸ“£This event will include our practice meet and team photo πŸ“£

Kick off event includes:

  • Practice meet
  • Team photo
  • Booths from our Platinum sponsors
  • The Bite Boutique selling Piranha gear
  • DonutNV food truck
  • and more!
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Bad Weather Policy

If there is lightning and thunder at the pool, we are required to wait 30 minutes from the last occurrence of lightning/thunder before resuming practice. We usually check the radar during this time and make a decision about the remaining practices of the day. We communicate this one of two ways: Remind and email.

REMIND Notifications: Please make sure you have joined the REMIND groups for notifications for practice delays/cancellations. I will only send notifications out if there is a delay/cancellation, so if you don’t hear from me, practice is still on as scheduled! Returning families must join REMIND groups again.

Last Names A – M: Text β€œ@adc7ag” to 81010

Last Names N – Z: Text β€œ@e8g23f” to 81010

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